Monday, December 3, 2007

The female infanticide song....

I really "liked" the title of that blog. So here goes the poem.

Female female go away...

We do not want the dowry day...

Mother in law says you got to be slayed..

Husband says I'm incapable

Of having a boy that brings him joy....

Even though his sperm is what decides,

They taunt me for what I have inside....

So we are going to India,

And you will meet your maker soon..

Female female go away...

Female female go away...we do not want the dowry day...

Here's a tradition Punjabis have taken with them from Punjab to the UK. Maybe the British passport for the Punjabi woman going to India should indicate as to whether she is pregnant or not and how far along the pregnancy she is. Cause once she is in India, aborting the female child is as easy as renting a taxi.

How many Punjabi families do you know where there are no boys? And how many do you know where there are no girls? No need to tell me the answer. I rest my case.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Punjab blog

Welcome to the Punjab blog!

The blog has a Google news feed related to Punjab. Plus links of interest related to Punjab. So if you are a follower of events related to Punjab, this page should provide you with all the required tools.

You will also see a Punjab specific search engine attached to this blog. This search engine will give priority to Government and other good websites that have a focus on Punjab.

Give all the tools a try! Happy browsing!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Paul Wolfowitz similarities

So how similar are Paul Wolfowitz and Maharaja Ranjit Singh? Both of them were hawkish on protecting the people, irrespective of their faith. And their ideas were heavily shaped by their women. You could characterize both of them as weak in the matters of flesh.

Whereas Maharaja could afford to have 13 women at the same time, Wolfowitz was forced to limit himself to 2 or 3 due to existing morality codes and feasibility. The Maharaja could do anything he wanted, Wolfowitz will be pardoned if he ever gets into trouble.

Both of them were the smartest person in the room and were good at hiding their personal motivations. History does repeat itself.